Maryland Centenarians Committee, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments and longevity of all Maryland Centenarians. The Governor of Maryland has declared the 2nd Thursday in May as Maryland Centenarian Day. Each year during the month of May, Older Americans’ Month, the Committee hosts a Luncheon Celebration that is held at Martins West. The honorees are those Marylanders that have reached the age of 100 or older by the end of the current calendar year.
In 1993, Dr. Odessa Dorkins, a graduate of the Morgan State University Gerontology Program had a vision to organize an annual recognition luncheon for Maryland residents who had reached or surpassed the landmark age 100. The first meeting of the Maryland Centenarians Committee included Dr. Dorkins and representatives of the following organizations: *Morgan Stare University*Social Security Administration*WJZ TV-13*Maryland Department of Aging*Deaton Geriatric Nursing Assistants School*Meridian Center*C&P Telephone Company*Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks*Baltimore Retired Teachers Association Through extensive research, 750 Centenarians were located and with the massive effort of the Social Security Administration, announcements and luncheon reservation forms were circulated in Maryland. On May 27, 1993, at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, eighty-six Centenarians attended the luncheon along with relatives, friends and caregivers. A yearly tradition was started and continues today.
The mission of the Maryland Centenarians Committee, Inc. is to recognize and celebrate Maryland Centenarians.
The objectives of this Committee are to promote principles of nondiscrimination for the Centenarians, and to achieve higher social, economic, and intellectual status.
We encourage all citizens to appreciate, protect, provide comfort and stability for this growing population.
We support college students who enter the fields of Geriatrics and Gerontology through our scholarship fund.